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Exercise Physiology

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Exercise Physiology

Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEP) specialise in clinical exercise interventions for persons at high-risk of developing, or with existing chronic and complex medical conditions and injuries.

Intervention aims to prevent or manage chronic disease or injury, and assist in restoring one’s optimal physical function, health or wellness.

Clinical Rehab

Exercise Physiology can help clients manage many chronic and complex conditions including.

Workplace Rehab (RTWSA) and Motor Vehicle Accidents

Our Exercise Physiologist works in both the Return to Work SA and Motor Vehicle Accident insurance schemes.

Using expertise in physical functioning, the goal of our programs is always to promote a prompt return to client’s employment or normal activities of daily living.

The Exercise Physiologist will start with a thorough assessment looking at a person’s functional capacity and current limitations.

Following this an individualised exercise program will be developed and the Exercise Physiologist will work closely with the client to ensure safe and effective treatment, whilst empowering the client with education and confidence to eventually self-manage. Exercise prescription is very functional, utilising equipment and movements to mimic client’s normal work duties and demands.

The Exercise Physiologist will also work closely with your treating doctors, other allied health professionals and insurance claims manager.

Sports Rehab

Our Exercise Physiologist uses current best practice and up-to-date treatment approaches for optimal injury prevention programs and return to sport following injuries.

Injury prevention programs are used to reduce the chances of an athlete sustaining an injury and should be utilised by everybody competing in sports, from amateur to a professional level.

If a player does sustain an injury or requires surgery the correct rehabilitation following is crucial. The Exercise Physiologist will use an individualised and graded approach to ensure the player is fit and ready to perform at their best, whilst reducing the chances of further injury.

Personal training

Do you want to exercise to achieve some personal goals for your health and wellbeing but need a little help? Are you put off by large commercial gyms? Do you find it hard to find the motivation to exercise regularly? Do you have some health issues that need to be considered when exercising?

Then Personal Training with our Exercise Physiologist may be just the thing for you!

Our Exercise Physiologist offers personal training sessions with anyone looking to improve their health and fitness

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The most important thing for us is reaching excellence in everything we do for a complete patient satisfaction. We offer services in all specialties.